


"official definitions" of terms as they are to be understood for use in the Bill of Rights;

To establish a working definition, for purposes of the Bill, of the groups or classes of persons to whom the Bill shall be said to refor;

To prepare a Preamble to the Bil1;

Suggested topics for considoration:

1. The right of non-conformity; the right of choice (free will); the line between individual and group rights;



Do homosexuals have the right to demand the status of a minority group? Must the wishes of the majority be accepted? The right to civil disobedience;

Can democratic woting proceduros determine moral and ethical questions? Does the State have authority to prescribe sexual behavior? Do homosexuals have the right to set up their own standards of sex behavior as individuals, as a group?



This committee started out with five mon and three women who struggled for the most part the first day over definitions. They agreed that "rights" can mean all things to all people. For purposes of the "Bill" the following definitions were adopted:



that to which one has a just claim. Legal right

the law.


privilege vested in a person by

Moral right expectation that duties of homorable behavior be reciprocal.

In dicoussing the outlined topics they expressed belief that everyone now has a right to non-conformity up to the point of exercising or display of proscribed sexual proclivities eithor public or private. Certainly there is the right to choose, though exercising that right may be dangerous and could load to social, egonomic and legal consequen-